Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Inspiring Improvisations

It was a  privilege to spend last Saturday with musicians, some very accomplished, some describing themselves as beginners, making music simply because we can. With no agenda other than to enjoy creating, we spent some time making music from the simplest elements of pulse and rhythm and from our favourite sounds on our instruments. There were some extraordinary moments of being in the music together, when communication flowed and the sense of the music being greater than the sum of the parts. was very present. It is remarkable how musicians, whatever their technical ability, can express themselves in the way in which they play. Open strings on violins played with such variety and panache, beautiful melodies created out of a few notes on the recorder, stunning riffs on cello and double bass giving flight to melodies that people didn't know they had the ability to play. At times there were conversations about the meanings of words that describe elements of music. And, helpful as words can be at times, definitions are not necessary to be in the same place at the same time with others who we have not met before and play music together. An experience to be repeated before too long. 

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